2012年2月14日 星期二

[About] The Beginning and the End

L’Étranger will no longer offer bed and breakfast, not because it ran bad, instead it’s quite good recently. It is because we got another plan.

Umm…I(Jenny)’m going to get married this year, though still have no idea about when. Since I’ll move out after being a wife, it shall be toilsome for Ice if she runs it on her own. Then, back to our first thought – find roommates for Rm. 5 & 6. Actually we seemed not mention about how this B&B get started, and guests rarely asked. But I have to thank Pin who really let me know how it starts.

L’Étranger has been stayed low-key. Just use this blog, mark on the map and join Air B&B. Because we believe people who choose this place must have some kind of the same frequency. And it is! Guests here are really really awesome!

Pin found here by google search, read our blog quite narrowly then decided to email us. After couple of days he stayed here, finally he asked about how we start this. I said it is just happened other two roommates suddenly moved out, and we could not find suitable roommates, so we clean these two rooms up and make it as B&B, blahblahblah. Then he asked were the ex-roommates my friends? Ice and I glanced each other, after taking a deep breath I said”Yes, we were high school classmates, it seems we had some misunderstood.”, then he said”Oh so you find strangers to be your roommates. Don’t you think strangers could be dangerous?” “But anyway we believe that most people are kind.” I answered.

Actually I pondered after Pin’s question, then I have my answer as “I’d rather to be hurt by strangers than someone who is conversant.”

Un…such a sentimental time. After all Ice and me took lots of efforts on it, though we did learn more from this.

Anyways, THANK YOU SO MUCH all strangers, see you guys!









2010年9月15日 星期三

L’ Étranger, how can I go?

Since the streets here are a little bit compli…cated, we may recommend you to take Taipei metro to MRT Yongan Market station, and then call us to lead you to L’ Étranger would be the safest way.

From TPE Taoyuan Airport to MRT Yongan Market Station
Take a bus from airport to Taipei city, and then take metro to MRT Yongan Market station; or take a shuttle from airport to HSR Taoyuan to take HSR to Taipei station, and then take metro to MRT Yongan Market station. It will cost NT.900-1200 by taking a cab, compare more for a reasonable price.

From Songshan Airport to MRT Yongan Market station

Walk to MRT Songshan Airport Station from arrival lobby, take metro bound to Taipei Zoo, transfer to blue line at Zhongxiao Fuxing station to Taipei Main station, and then take metro bound to Nanshijiao to MRT Yongan Market station.

From Taipei Highway Bus Station to MRT Yongan Market station
Take highway bus to Taipei Highway Bus Station, walk down stairs to B1, follow the direction to metro Taipei Main station, take metro bound to Nangshijiao to MRT Yongan Market station.

From West Highway to Yonghe
Leave Highway 3 at Jhonghe Junction, follow way to Xindian/Yonghe, turn left at Bannan Road, and turn right at Liancheng Road, keep driving to Section 2 Zhongshan Road, and then turn right at Yongzhen Road, when meet the Yongzhen-Baoping intersection, call us and wait.

From East Highway to Yonghe

Drive thru Hsehshan Tunnel to transfer Highway 3 from Highway 5, leave Highway 3 at Jhonghe Junction, follow way to Xindian/Yonghe, turn left at Bannan Road, and turn right at Liancheng Road, keep driving to Section 2 Zhongshan Road, and then turn right at Yongzhen Road, when meet the Yongzhen-Baoping intersection, call us and wait.
Transportation Reference:








>> http://www.taoyuanairport.gov.tw/chinese/Publish.jsp?cnid=1350
>> http://www.trtc.com.tw/ct.asp?xItem=1009169&CtNode=24573&mp=122031

2010年9月10日 星期五

Attention! L’ Étranger

We love travel, also we have stayed in many hotels, B&Bs, or rent-houses. Some would asked for full payment, some may need deposit or guarantee money, or give an ID certification as security, etc. It is not a big deal to pay the deposit when in domestic, but as to book a foreign accommodation, it is necessary to deduct a surcharge when remit the deposit, even the bank staff cannot promise how much the surcharge will be cost.

Being a wanderer, everything will okay if it is convenient. More important, all we want is “to be trustworthy, so we won’t ask any guarantee money or deposit. We only need your passport number and the basic contact information, cause we believe you will not do anything that against the “conscience”.

Okay... Let’s make some consensuses.
  • Please let us know if you need to cancel your booking in advance, you can tell us via email, SMS, telephone, letters, messenger pigeon… anyway you would like to inform us. We will never ask you for a single reason, cause we know sometimes it may be just a thought that make you suddenly give up. However, please do not disappear without saying anything and let us waiting for your arrive all day, not to mention we have already prepared your breakfast and souvenir(weeping…).
  • Show your public virtue! Do not shout out in a dark night; Do not sway hands after washing them; be sure to flush the toilet after that…; toss the paper into trash can; Pick up hairs on sinkhole and scrape water out from floor after shower; Try to keep clean; Do not ruin this place; Do not eat things that not belongs to you, etc. Once we find anything unreasonable, we’ll ask for compensation. Anyway, be civilized.
  • We don’t forbid smoking or drinking, but if you want to smoke, go somewhere ventilated; if you want to drink, be able to control your behavior.
  • Show respects toward people and of course yourself. Be kind to other guests, do not try to challenge any funny issues such as politics, religion, football teams, etc.
  • Be sure to return the key to the treasure wooden box. Do not take things which aren’t yours.
  • Don’t do anything that will humiliate you, your family and your country.




  • 取消訂房請提前通知,可以email、簡訊、電話、寫信、飛鴿傳書…任何想要告訴我們的辦法。我們不會問太確切的原因,因為就是有些時候會突然飄來的一個想法,沒理由的,總之,不要什麼都不說的就消失了,讓我們癡癡的等了一整天,還興高采烈的幫你(妳)準備了早餐和小小紀念品(哭)。
  • 要有公德心。深夜進出請注意音量;如廁後不要把水甩的到處都是,記得沖水、衛生紙不要亂丟;洗完澡或吹完頭髮後可以順便把掉在地上的頭髮撿起來,如果方便的話可以順便用刮水器把地板的水刮乾;使用公共空間時記得要保持乾淨與整齊;房間也不要弄得過度髒亂;也不要偷吃冰箱裡不屬於自己的東西喔。要是發現太逾矩的行為,我們有權利要求賠償。
  • 雖然我們不強行禁止抽菸、飲酒、嚼檳榔,但,要抽煙通風較好的地方抽;嚼檳榔的汁液不要亂吐(免洗杯+衛生紙的組合可以跟我們要);我們不贊成酗酒的行為,可以小酌,但請控制自己的行為舉止,意識到自己已經有些茫了,就該停止了喔!
  • 尊重他人也尊重自己,和其他房客請保持適度禮貌,可聊天溝通想法,但請勿因政治、宗教、支持的球隊起爭執。
  • 離開的時候請記得把鑰匙放到藏寶盒裡,請勿順便帶走那些原本不屬於你(妳)的東西。
  • 不做失格的旅人。總之,離開家以後,你(妳)就代表了家人和國家,千萬不要做丟臉的事。