2012年2月14日 星期二

[About] The Beginning and the End

L’Étranger will no longer offer bed and breakfast, not because it ran bad, instead it’s quite good recently. It is because we got another plan.

Umm…I(Jenny)’m going to get married this year, though still have no idea about when. Since I’ll move out after being a wife, it shall be toilsome for Ice if she runs it on her own. Then, back to our first thought – find roommates for Rm. 5 & 6. Actually we seemed not mention about how this B&B get started, and guests rarely asked. But I have to thank Pin who really let me know how it starts.

L’Étranger has been stayed low-key. Just use this blog, mark on the map and join Air B&B. Because we believe people who choose this place must have some kind of the same frequency. And it is! Guests here are really really awesome!

Pin found here by google search, read our blog quite narrowly then decided to email us. After couple of days he stayed here, finally he asked about how we start this. I said it is just happened other two roommates suddenly moved out, and we could not find suitable roommates, so we clean these two rooms up and make it as B&B, blahblahblah. Then he asked were the ex-roommates my friends? Ice and I glanced each other, after taking a deep breath I said”Yes, we were high school classmates, it seems we had some misunderstood.”, then he said”Oh so you find strangers to be your roommates. Don’t you think strangers could be dangerous?” “But anyway we believe that most people are kind.” I answered.

Actually I pondered after Pin’s question, then I have my answer as “I’d rather to be hurt by strangers than someone who is conversant.”

Un…such a sentimental time. After all Ice and me took lots of efforts on it, though we did learn more from this.

Anyways, THANK YOU SO MUCH all strangers, see you guys!

